Thursday, March 04, 2010

CapitalClimate: Winter 2009-2010 Temperature Review
In the longer term, given that both December and February were below average, the winter overall averaged 1.7° colder than the long-term mean.
Kopp vs. Zimmerman: Science Versus Hysteria
I found it interesting that the show host, when he gave Dr. Zimmerman’s biography, stated that Zimmerman had founded one of these bogus (bogus because the contention of AGW is bogus) “carbon credit” companies. Environmental extremists like to hype a profit motive when demonizing the free market and the energy industry, but somehow they remain totally blind (on purpose?) to the profit motive of environmental extremists (Al Gore is one who is deeply invested financially in propping up this silly theory).
Global Warming’s Changing Tides
In the long run, any controversial inaccuracies perpetuated by the I.P.C.C. will be edited and reworked, and faith will be restored in science. Climategate will be remembered as a necessary slap on the wrist; a mistake which scientists will apologize for and not be expected to repeat. Hypothetically speaking, even if the whole global-warming debacle actually turned out to be a massive conspiracy geared towards lining the pockets of alternative energy companies, people have still seen An Inconvenient Truth, traded in their Hummers for Prius’, and picked up those snazzy reusable bags in replace of paper ones. The amount of propaganda geared towards the AGW’s cause is immense and it won’t go away over night.
Sorry, Charlie -
The "crisis of public confidence" is precisely the result of the failure of the climate "scientists" to behave like actual scientists. If they had supported their "findings" with careful observation and replicable analysis rather than making sweeping statements condemning their critics, their authority, to which the Times still tries to appeal, would not have been shattered.

The Times's complaint about the unfairness of supposed scientists having to live up to scientific standards reminds us of the old joke about the definition of chutzpah: when a guy murders his parents and blames global warming.

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