Sunday, March 21, 2010

A climate change monster in the closet - LORRIE GOLDSTEIN - Ontario, CA
If you want to know where global warming hysteria is headed in Canada, look to the United Kingdom.

That's where they drank the Kyoto Kool- Aid early and often, eventually leaving the citizenry cynical and fed up with paying ever-rising "green" taxes.

This while the country's energy supply is deteriorating into unreliability because, guess what, "green" energy is at nowhere near the technological level needed to replace fossil fuels.
Thought Leader » Cultural anthropologist Michael Francis » Global warming, more than a heated debate
I also find it really strange that my experience with denialists of global warming always seem to be rather right wing of some sort or at least rabid individualists.
'Real Time with Bill Maher' Recap: Revenge of the Funny |
The crux of the debate, surprisingly enough, was fixed on whether global warming is real or just a theory, as Amy Holmes and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, two Republicans, referred to it. Were certain reports on rising sea levels retracted due to inaccurate projections: yes; does that mean global warming is a hoax: HELL NO! Not to go on a Maher-esque rant, but the fact that a few statistics are slightly off and people are less concerned about the issue doesn’t mean you – and by you I mean idiot ideologues who believe the book of Revelations is happening now – can pretend that nothing is happening.

My chief complaint about last week’s show was the über-consensus building between the liberal host and all of his guests. This week, Maher had two conservatives to call stupid, uninformed and not with the times, all things he did, and mostly to Holmes – poor Amy.
An Inconvenient Truth - Review -
"A nature hike through the Book of Revelations," Gore calls it.

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