Monday, March 29, 2010

EU Referendum: Dishonesty multiplied
As it stands, therefore, the IPCC statement is an orphan – entirely unsupported. Brown is throwing up a smokescreen which, like his assertion that Woods Hole Research Institute is a "scientific institution", is thoroughly dishonest.
California’s Green Jobs Mirage
[Senator Bob Dutton] California’s experiment with global warming regulations reminds me of a story about a foolish, old dog who lost his bone in the water when he tried to grab its reflection. Similarly, California’s leaders risk sacrificing the jobs and industries we have today on a hope and a prayer that the “green jobs” and “green industries” of the future will be better and more plentiful than those we already have.
Bright water proposal to cut global warming
( -- A Harvard physicist has proposed the Earth could be cooled by pumping vast numbers of tiny bubbles into the sea to lower ocean temperatures and increase the water’s reflectivity. The same strategy could be used in rivers and lakes to reduce evaporation.
Michael Mann: Global warming skeptic? « Don Surber
They are on the run, but they will cling to their beliefs. And Mann once again alluded to skeptics of his theory as being in the same league as Holocaust deniers.

The difference being, the Holocaust happened and is proven. Man-made global warming? Still unproven.

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