Tuesday, March 09, 2010

The evidence? What evidence? « JoNova
Robyn Williams is a good man who would be horrified to know that he is not defending the planet, but standing up for corrupt scientists, plundering bureaucrats, and profit taking bankers. I make no allusions that he is profiting from spreading such poor reasoning, nor that he is corrupt. He is simply working from devastatingly mistaken assumptions–he assumes the modelers are right; he assumes the peer review system is working; he assumes that science will work properly if only one side of a theory is fully funded, and he assumes that UN bureaucrats would publish recommendations that don’t support an increase in their own power or status.
Pajamas Media » Examining the GreenJobsGate Emails: Obama Administration Takes Direction from Wind Lobby, Soros Group
The Department of Energy's scientific conclusions were instigated — even dictated — by Big Wind's lobbyists and leftists. Read here for the timeline and the key figures involved.
Economist Debates: Green jobs
[Van Jones vs Andrew P. Morriss]
Global warming challenge | warming, global, climate - Opinion - The Orange County Register
The possibility of suspending California's Global Warming Solutions Act, a law unlikely to change temperatures but certain to wreak economic havoc, appears to have increased dramatically.

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