Monday, March 29, 2010

Feuding Crist, Rubio hurl attacks during debate
"In 2006, governor, I voted for you because I trusted you when you said you would be a Jeb Bush Republican," Rubio said to Crist.

"Your record was very different. You signed a budget that raised taxes. You tried to impose a cap-and-trade system in Florida. You appointed liberal Supreme Court justices ... and you worked with ACORN and groups like that to give felons voting rights in Florida."
The Arctic Monkeys at the Royal Albert Hall, review - Telegraph
THREE years ago the Arctic Monkeys pointedly declined to participate in the Live Earth charity concerts, saying it would be “hypocritical” of them to pontificate on climate change when they spent so much time jetting around the world on planes. It felt entirely apt, though, to see them perform for a charity dedicated to helping teenage cancer-sufferers, especially when most of the line-up for this decade-long series of concerts tends to be aimed at thirty-somethings rather than the young people it is trying to help.
So much hot air
Political leaders need to find a way to gracefully retreat from a false premise
Stuart Wheeler
If the recent Copenhagen conference had succeeded, it might well have been the conference at which the most catastrophic and also ludicrous decisions ever had been taken. Fortunately it was an utter failure.
In the eye of the storm
It is thanks to bloggers like myself that Dr Pachauri is “embattled”
Richard North
An agency commissioned by Oxfam accuses us bloggers of being a ‘loose federation’ which has succeeded in accomplishing ‘the most impressive PR coup of the 21st century.’ But the truth is that the game changer was the unpaid blogger like me,bashing away on a laptop in a back room in Bradford, informed by the miracle of the internet. We reached parts the othermedia couldn’t reach.

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