Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Global Warming: How to Educate Those That You Know
In addition to just recommending a global warming documentary or television report, or even energy efficient light bulbs, you may want to take action yourself. If you have any close friends or family members who have a birthday soon approaching or if Christmas is around the corner, you may want to consider giving these items as gifts. Of course, a documentary on global warming and energy efficient light bulbs isnt always on everyones wish list. For that reason, be sure these items are not the only gifts given, as you may become that pushy, overbearing person that you were trying to avoid becoming, as outlined above.
Fossil fuel economy is far from becoming extinct | NewsOK.com
Those who believe the world economy can be sustained with a quick switch to renewable energy sources are engaged in pipe dreams. Ditto for those who believe the world is quickly running out of fossil fuels — or for those who actually believed President Obama’s State of the Union speech pledge to make America more energy independent.

"Pipe dreams” is an apt term because the fossil fuel commodity with the most promising future is moved chiefly by pipeline. It’s natural gas.
The Green Truth: Consume Less - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
If the climate alarmists really believe what they say, then this piece on how consumer behavior must change should be their stance. It's not, of course.
Twitter / Artnet Magazine
Dutch sculptor Ap Verheggen places large abstract sculptures at North Pole to call attention to climate change www.coolemotion.org
Speaking of cool(E)motion: Finally in Uummannaq
Arrived in Uummannaq, the situation is worse than thought. Not much sea ice, but decreasing temperatures. If we go by boat far away, we don't know if we ever can get back. This because the ice could starts to grow very fast. But our team is thinking in solutions, instead of problems. It' s great to see a whole bunch of international crew getting mixed in finding our famous solutions. For outsiders a sort of verbal fight, between the best friends. Sunday we go with a sort of fishing boat of steel to the North and grave it into the sea ice. We bring hunters, dogs, and sledges and leave them behind. With a small group we go back for a day. As the rest of our team arrives we go back to the Sermigdlig Kangerlua on Tuesday and join the hunters deep into the fjord. We bring food and the sculptures with us, and stay till the weekend. A couple of days we don' t have any communication, but we arranged that a boat, and if he doesn't succeed a helicoper will get us from the ice. This is plan A, maybe it will change, as nature does too.

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