Thursday, March 25, 2010

[In case you missed it]: Why the Mediterranean climate message is all wrong | George Monbiot | Environment |
We have a job to convince people of the gravity of climate change if the worst that is predicted for the UK is a future of balmy Mediterranean summers
"!!! Arnold rips air board's AB 32 proposal, stresses need for national approach to global warming" by America's Finest
Holy bleep! He's basically agreeing with much of the criticism of the air board for its indifference to the real-world effects of AB 32 -- and doing so the DAY AFTER THE RELEASE of another dubious study minimizing AB 32's effects!

Will the rest of the media notice? We shall see. But this is great news for California's economy. The green Kool-Aid appears to have worn off. Arnold is back to his senses.
EU Referendum: Death by press release
Thus, there are a series of errors here. First, the IPCC cited a study by an advocacy group (WWF) to support its claim. Second, it failed to notice that the claim in the study was unreferenced. Thirdly, the actual reference, had it been used, was to a non-peer-reviewed source.
Mount Rushmore to [promote the most massive scientific fraud in history]
Mount Rushmore officials said Thursday the national memorial will participate in an event this weekend that they call "the largest call for action on climate change in history."

From 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, lights will be dimmed at the national memorial as part of Earth Hour 2010. The event is being sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund.

"The World Wildlife Fund previously requested turning off the lights which illuminate the sculpture for one hour on (March 27)," Mount Rushmore spokesman Navnit Singh said in a news release. "The Memorial staff recognized we could do better by not illuminating the Avenue of Flags either. We believe strongly in the message and appreciate the opportunity this participation offers to help us in our efforts to educate the public about climate change."

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