Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Washington, DC-Speaking today to the American Farm Bureau's "Don't Cap our Future Rally," Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, welcomed growing support from farm groups, Democratic and Republican governors, and a host of small business and trade organizations to overturn EPA's endangerment finding for greenhouse gases-which amounts to a job-killing, backdoor energy tax on the American people.
Study: Farmers willing to try growing crops to use as biomass fuels, but aid needed to speed adoption
...although the land is available and farmers are willing, the market is not ready for the crop, according to the study, funded in part by the New York Farm Viability Institute.
A new federal program aims to encourage the biomass industry by covering 75 percent of the establishment costs and providing subsidies for collection, harvesting, storage and transportation.
California Global Warming [Hoax] Law Defenders Strike Back « Blogs
Tom Soto, Venture Capitalist
Craton Equity Partners
“From an investment standpoint, California today is better off economically because of AB 32.
In 2007, a year after AB 32’s passage, clean technology venture capital investment doubled in California. Last year, 2.1 billion in clean tech investment poured into our state. These investment dollars support California workers and they help to drive our economy.”
Senators say energy clock ticking | POLITICO 44
President Obama believes it is “critical” to have a price on carbon to grow the economy and create millions of jobs, Sen. John Kerry told reporters after their meeting Tuesday night.

“He felt very strongly this was a next step in America's economic recovery," he said.
» EPA Set to Give Ethanol a Big Boost? - Big Government
Once hailed as the “fuel of the future” by Henry Ford in the 1920s, ethanol opponents say that the market has roundly rejected ethanol as a viable fuel source, and emphasize that it is not a new product. Fewer than 2 percent of all refueling stations in the United States currently offer ethanol, despite extensive government subsidies aimed at its production (a 1998 report by the Department of Agriculture (USDA) observed that “the fuel-ethanol industry was created by a mix of Federal and State subsidies, loan programs and incentives. It continues to depend on Federal and State subsidies”).

One critic contacted by Capitol Confidential says that if EPA grants the waiver, it will constitute little more than further de facto federal welfare for the ethanol industry. Another critic notes that it could also result in a problem for the administration if, as some fear, the warranties of hundreds of millions of cars were voided.
» Memo To Chuck Todd and NBC: Your Science Coverage Is Awful, Too - Big Journalism
My job exists largely, if not entirely, because the MSM has been so good at frightening large swaths of the populace by grossly distorting environmental and health risks. (I’ll have to remember to send Andy Revkin a Christmas card this year). But, having cried wolf for so long and so shrilly, more and more people are ignoring the legacy media and turning to the new media to get the whole story. They should. When it comes to science and the environment, and many, many other subject areas, there’s a very good reason why people are turning away from the MSM in droves: the MSM hasn’t done its job for decades.

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