Friday, March 19, 2010

Navy perhaps not 100% on this going green thing « Blogs
On my way out, I saw an aide to Adm. French standing by the hybrid car that would carry him back to headquarters. Bonus points for the hybrid vehicle, but minus at least a few for having the engine on and idling while waiting for the admiral to emerge.
Of Chilly Offices and Space Heaters - Green Inc. Blog -
In one 150,000 square foot building (roughly three times the size of the White House), Mr. Cation’s company, which monitors electricity use in big buildings and offers feedback on how to cut bills, spotted 38 space heaters. In a hot climate like Texas, that means they’re probably on when the air-conditioning is blasting.
EU Referendum: Somebody has to be wrong
The Tory rule of politics seems to be that when you are in a hole, dig deeper and fill it with carbon dioxide, leaving the public to pay the bill.

It really isn't carbon dioxide we should be burying.
[Warmists in the Arctic: You may not know this, but right after we shut off our fossil-fueled stove, it gets tremendously cold in our tent]
Off goes the roaring stove ...

Explorers love the stove. Not just for the hot drinks and food it makes possible. Not just because it offers heat in a crisis to frighteningly cold fingers (although most of the time its heat is directed into melting snow and heating water). But also because it generates a comforting background roaring sound. It doesn't just do a good job, it tells you it's doing a good job. Which makes its turning off a bit of a shock! Total quiet.

And then, with the last head-torch switched off, all is inky black in the tent. You can't see the proverbial hand in front of your face. Total dark.

The secure 'indoor world' created by the tent is rapidly revealed to be the transitory state that it is. Within 60 seconds, the deep cold of forty-below purges any residual warmth from the stove. Forget body heat. It never made any contribution - it never existed. And as you feel the chest-compressing cold descend, like a murderous spider down its spun line from the ceiling of the tent, so the polar night, with the stove now silent, starts to make itself heard.

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