Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What Real Scientists Do: Global Warming Science vs. Global Whining Scientists — MasterResource
According to M. Mitchell Waldrop, editorial page editor for Nature, “global-warming deniers . . . are sowing doubts about the fundamental [climate change] science.” Further, Waldrop argues in his op-ed “Climate of Fear, “scientists’ reputations have taken a hit.”

Let’s ignore the snarky reference to “deniers” and ask: is science and are scientists under attack? The answer is Yes. But in an intellectual sense, isn’t this the essence of falsifiable, non-verifiable physical science?
Massive Gap Widens Between Republican and Democrat's Belief in Climate Change : TreeHugger
Since the IPCC errors were unfortunate by ultimately minor, and that the bad conduct shown by scientists in the email exchanges has been proven to have no true impact on the general science, I'd predict that with a little help--maybe a national media blitz from the Obama science team?--the gap will begin to shrink, not widen further, as especially independents begin to again see the impeccable case for man-caused climate change.
C3: 2010 Peer-Reviewed Research: Greenland Ice Cores Confirm Arctic Areas Warmer During Medieval Period
Using multiple ice cores with highly resolved stable isotope records, in combination with air temperature data from 13 locations, researchers were able to develop a temperature history going back 1,400 years. They confirmed temperatures were warmer during Medieval Period when CO2 levels were significantly lower, versus the late 20th and early 21st centuries temperatures.

1 comment:

dearieme said...

"in combination with air temperature data from 13 locations": hold on - there are no air temperature data going back to the MWP.