Wednesday, April 21, 2010

7 Books Which Will have the Preschooler Set Teaching You How to be Green : TreeHugger the end of a long day, I'm not usually with it enough to sit down and explain the current thinking on global warming to my four-year-old. It's at these moments that I grab one of these great green books for the preschooler set.
Britain facing further bitterly cold winters 'due to drop in solar winds' | Mail Online
Horse racing on frozen rivers? Ice bowling? Activities last seen during Britain's Little Ice Age could once more be seen, researchers believe.

Having just emerged from a bitterly cold winter the experts are warning that Britain could return to the mini ice-age at the end of the 17th century. This is despite claims that global warming is causing Arctic ice to melt and temperatures to rise.
The Climate Ecosystem, Part II « the Air Vent
[Tom Fuller] It is instructive to recall that Morano and Romm had a televised debate that lasted about ten minutes last year. Morano (in my opinion) won the debate, because he was able to frame the discussion on his terms. Had it been purely about science, Romm would have slaughtered him...[Using what specific arguments, Tom?]
Tim Wirth: “The president should deliver a major speech on climate change to the American public, using all the props and charts he can muster to bring the message home. The public interest requires it.” « Climate Progress

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