Monday, April 12, 2010

[Allegedly growing low-oxygen zones *could* be a sign that small amounts of Co2 will kill us all]
WASHINGTON -- Lower levels of oxygen in the Earth's oceans, particularly off the Pacific Northwest coast, could be a sign of a fundamental shift linked to climate change, scientists say.
Scientists have long known of a natural low-oxygen zone perched in the deeper water off the Northwest's continental shelf.
YouTube - Toast with odd pattern also *could* be a sign of something]
January 27, 2008 — The face of Jesus appears in a slice of toast!
[Futurist: Trace amounts of CO2 *could* cause water shortages, which *could* cause people to become vegetarians]
A futurist predicts Australians will move towards a vegetarian diet as our population increases.
He predicts people will be eating less meat and more plant foods if climate change tightens water supplies.
ETS should be delayed - Christie | New Zealand
Claims by businesses that the July 1 start to the emissions trading scheme could hinder a fragile economic recovery appear to have fallen on deaf ears.

Otago Chamber of Commerce chief executive John Christie said there was a "real lack of understanding by business" about the implications of the emissions trading scheme (ETS), and he believed its introduction should be delayed.

Mr Christie said the economy was too fragile to be lumbered with an estimated $255 million in extra costs from the ETS in the coming year, evident by surveys last week by his own chamber and the NZIER quarterly business opinion survey, which both described the recovery as fragile.

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