Thursday, April 08, 2010

[Because of the greatest scientific fraud in history, still more money changes hands]
WARSAW: Poland has sold Japanese private sector entity carbon dioxide emission quotas worth 30 million euros (40 million dollars), Poland's environment minister said.
Oil drilling prompts Al Gore's first public split with President Obama - The Hill's E2-Wire
The head of Clean Air Watch, Frank O’Donnell, said the Alliance has “by and large tried to promote an upbeat and positive message” about the climate legislation. “It’s not in their interest to slam Obama,” he said.

But the drilling expansion may have been a bridge too far, O’Donnell said. The policy, he said, “has absolutely nothing to do with climate.”

“It’s vote-buying, pure and simple,” he said.
Arctic Sea Ice Reports: who to believe? « Watts Up With That?
Given that both NANSEN and NSIDC use the same SSMI sensor data, and calculate the extent based on 15% concentration, that half a million square kilometers difference in the “normal” sure seems significant in the context of the magnified extent view NSIDC presents. A half million here, a half million there, and pretty soon we are talking about real ice extent differences.
Arctic Sea ice area is above the “normal” line as defined by NANSEN.

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