Saturday, April 10, 2010

But is this really convincing evidence that trace amounts of CO2 might kill us all?

Climate change scientists turn to Inuits for research | MNN - Mother Nature Network
The Inuits, located in and near the Arctic, explained to Weatherhead and co-author Shari Gearheard that there are unexplained changes in weather patterns. The natural time scale to a weather event is becoming more erratic. In other words, it could be cold one day, and warm the next – as opposed to usual three weeks of warm weather. Canadian Inuit tribes have noticed that their traditional forecasting measures are becoming less accurate. Inuits believe this is because the weather has become erratic.

1 comment:

Shug Niggurath said...

Sounds like more cult of the 'noble savage' to me.

What they are really saying is it is we western humans who are causing the problems.

Couldn't the reason that "If something is named 'a place where the caribou mate,' that tells you the caribou were once there if they are not there now." have anything to do with the fact that the Inuit traditionally hunt caribou?

Obviously they hunt sustainably, and only take what they need. We know it's only industrial society that is wasteful after all.