Friday, April 09, 2010

Climate Common Sense: Car Indulgences for Sale in Queensland - SUV Sinners Saved!
I have just received an email from the Queensland Climate Smart crew saying that for a meagre $60.00 my vehicle emission sins would be forgiven and I could sleep with a clear conscience.
American Thinker: The Scientific Socialism of Today
For liberals, the solution is a simple as it is obvious: Eliminate all the alternatives. Entice, if possible, and force, if necessary, the American people to cross the bridge, and then burn it behind them.
American Thinker: The Naked Left
Seldom has the Naked Left been more exposed that in the myth of man-made global warming. As Marc Sheppard observes, the so-called science of man-made global warming has been hopelessly manipulated to reach preordained conclusions. Hiding something as huge as the Medieval Warming Period through the scientific equivalent of three card Monte shows that the emperors of bureaucratic "science" have no clothes.
Alternative Energy Sources For Schools in Fighting Global Warming | Education TidBits
In an effort to answer energy crisis through out the world, there are many programs and innovations that are being proposed to stop the use of fossil fuels as an energy source and taking a look at renewable energy source such as solar, wind, and bio fuels. Now universities from all over the world are turning into engineers who can take advantage of such free energy sources to save on electricity in school operations.

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