Sunday, April 11, 2010

[Climate fraudster John Houghton suggests that climate skeptics tremble at the thought of confronting his superior knowledge] - News
ONE of Britain's most distinguished climate scientists is taking legal action to silence an internet campaign against him.
Sir John Houghton has accused sceptics of waging a dirty tricks campaign to spread uncertainty about the state of global warming research. He hopes to use a talk at the Edinburgh International Science Festival this week to fight back against climate
change "naysayers".
However, he said he has never been openly lobbied by sceptics, such as by people interrupting his public lectures. He added: "I think they try to target people who couldn't answer them back so easily. They don't know enough to put any arguments forward of a scientific kind."
Do it — Or Else « the Air Vent
In democracy, representatives are supposed to vote for the best interests of their constituents. Nobody can reasonably pretend that the Copenhagen power grab is a democracy, however these are representatives at the accord ARE claiming and providing PROOF of extortion and abuse of power to force cooperation. Decisions are not made regarding what is in their or their citizens best interest, but rather, do it or else!!
Africa – Equatorial « Musings from the Chiefio
GISS is broken. The baseline is a “cherry pick” and the baseline DOES matter.

The data are seriously compromised and “fill in” with “homogenizing” makes it worse, not better. It hides what is really happening and smoothes out divergent and disjoint obviously incongruent series to blend them into a fictional common warming that does not exist.
Global Warming Fanatics Clash With Environmentalists | RedState
Further proving my consistent point that “global warming” and the deranged ‘alternative energy’ crowd have destroyed environmentalism, a recent controversy in Palo Alto highlights a rift between “wow we can capture gasses and power homes with alternative fuels” and “wow we have about ten square inches of parkland, several square miles of housing developments, and it would be nice to keep preserving this mere eight acres of parks.”

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