Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gaia’s a Denier
Alberta’s Climate Change Strategy made sense when the facts and the budget supported it. No longer
NC Media Watch: Energy cost the kiss of death to the economy?
If we can all agree that higher energy costs have and economic impacts, then we can also assume that if AB32 regulations drive up fuel and energy cost, there will be an economic impact. If one is true the other has to be true as well. You cannot have it both ways?
American Thinker: How Much Risk is Too Much?
With the addition of the mercury containing CFLs into our homes and offices, the cumulative risk, or probability of harm to human health has increased, as a result of actions taken to address alleged man-induced global warming. In this example, it is clear that the Precautionary Principle is being used by environmental activists to manipulate social and economic activity. On one hand, CFL light bulbs for in-home use are mandated and are a clearly unacceptable risk activity, while on the other hand the vast uncertainty over man-induced global warming is accepted and used as the basis to cause the unacceptable potential risk exposure to toxic mercury.
Lawrence Solomon: The new climate game - FP Comment
...Today, decades later, the climate science establishment is still whacking away, faster and more frenetically than ever, as more and more skeptical scientists, journalists and politicians surface. And now there’s a new species of skeptic in need of whacking down ­— the many inquiries that have sprung up in the wake of Climategate, the unauthorized release of some 3,000 documents from the computers of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at East Anglia University showing that data had been manipulated and destroyed.
- Bishop Hill blog - A chat with Graham Stringer
It is not that Jones has been found innocent; on many of the charges he just hasn't been tried yet.

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