Sunday, April 11, 2010

Green Inc. Column - Don’t Think That Cap-and-Trade Is Over -
Carbon trading, also known as cap and trade, is on the cusp of generating mammoth amounts of money for governments — money that could start flowing just in time to help nations emerge from the worst financial crisis in a generation.

The prospect of those earnings is one of the key reasons that nations are determined to stick by carbon trading, despite the setbacks and scandals.
[Odd arguments from the Sierra Club]: Threat of climate change could be good for nation | -
If we knew for certain that there was a 1 percent chance that some country intended to attack the United States with nuclear weapons, should we take action to stop that possibility? How about 5 percent? Of course we would.

Climate change, if true, will lead to consequences for the entire world (and us) that will be catastrophic for the world as we know it. Now, the world’s leading scientists tell us with what they claim to be 95 percent certainty that human activities are warming the planet. Let’s say they are off and there is only a 75 percent chance of global warming. Or let’s say 50 percent. Or 40 percent or 25 percent.

Wouldn’t we still want to do those things to mitigate the possibility of the worst consequences of climate change?
JACK FLATLEY, Vice-Chair, Governor Pinchot Group, Pennsylvania Sierra Club
EU Referendum: The white man's burden
If we take on board the underlying logic of this piece, though, it means a carte blanche for developing countries massively to increase their CO2 emissions. But, by the same logic, this then means that burden of reducing global emissions must fall on the developed countries, which must not only reduce their own, but offset the increases from the developing countries.

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