Saturday, April 10, 2010

Green takes backseat during downturn
The economic crunch has caused many Canadians to cut back on conservation and tune out Earth Hour, recent studies suggest. [How do we know that the economy is the cause?]
Environmental concern has dropped ever since the recession began, Simpson said, and these surveys reflect that fact. About 27 per cent of Canadians rated the environment as their top concern in 2007, he noted, but that dropped to 14 per cent last year when the recession kicked in.
Don't tell the voters we face bankruptcy - Booker - Telegraph
A final huge shadow which will barely be discussed at this election, because the main parties are all but unanimous on it, is the way our politics has become permeated by everything which can be related to global warming, from soaring taxes to the propaganda dished out in our schools, from the wishful thinking that we can spend £100 billion on building thousands more useless wind turbines, to the disastrous distortion of our national energy policy by the "green" obsessions of both the EU and our own political class, which threaten within a few years to turn Britain's lights out.
Global Warming: Two Photos That Prove It's a Scam
...the entire concept is a shameless scam designed to -- surprise! -- redistribute wealth.

The satellite photos tell us everything we need to know.

1 comment:

Shug Niggurath said...

And still the Green Internacionale wont realise that the best way to make the planet cleaner, and so greener, is to make the people prosper.

Instead they are whining about South Africa trying to get stable electrical supplies to their population.