Sunday, April 11, 2010

Is climate change a moral issue? What would God say? - Green House -
What would God do? A rising chorus of voices is framing efforts to fight climate change in moral and religious terms -- from the pope to a leading climatologist.
Climate change talks yield small chance of global treaty | Environment | The Guardian
In an interview with the Guardian, the outgoing head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Yvo de Boer, said that there was no chance of reaching a final deal by November in Cancun, Mexico – the next time that world leaders will meet to hammer out the a follow-up to the Kyoto protocol.

"The Americans do not want a second round of Kyoto. It is very possible we will see two agreements emerging from Cancun. In time they will be a step on a longer journey", he said.

In a downbeat assessment of the state of the talks, he admitted that talks were deadlocked and that the pledges made so far by countries to cut emissions fall far short of what is needed to avoid catastrophic global warming.
UN postpones climate hopes for another year - Jeff McMahon - Scorched Earth - True/Slant
The U.S. won’t reduce its carbon emissions only to see them replaced with emissions from India, China, Brazil and South Africa, said Jonathan Pershing, the chief U.S. negotiator in Bonn.
Is Green Energy Credible :: The Market Oracle
Free market exuberance in the green energy sector since 2005 has already delivered a financial and economic boom-and-bust sequence for maize-based fuel ethanol, rapeseed and jatropha-based biodiesel. Current overcapacity in windmill manufacturing and solar photovoltaics threatens a boom-bust in these two sectors. The future for a 'massive take-off' in electric car and lithium-based battery production is very unsure.

Doubt on the financial, as well as economic and technical feasibility of 'ramping up green energy' is now widespread, not only in OECD countries. Given what we have briefly covered, above, there is no doubt that doubt is needed on the presently unreal and impossible, so-called "targets for energy transition" so confidently announced by many OECD leaderships, as well as the directors of major international agencies and private corporations
Cold fronts linked to European H5N1 outbreaks
Avian influenza (H5N1) outbreaks in Europe during the winter of 2005-2006 occurred at the edge of cold weather fronts, according to researchers from Princeton University and the Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Their results, published April 8 in the open-access journal PLoS Pathogens, show that these outbreaks were driven by aggregated movements of wild waterbirds away from areas of frozen water.

1 comment:

10ksnooker said...

A moral issue? God would laugh at such vain people ...