Friday, April 09, 2010

The Looming ‘Energy’-Bill Fight - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
[Video] I had a good time on Fox Business Channel the other night addressing the audacity of the Democrats and Lindsey Graham's combined effort to add a gas tax to their light-switch tax, thinking they can reap sufficient wealth to spread around, buying off enough constituencies to drag their energy-rationing scheme over the finish line (as with health care) before voters get their chance to weigh in on the effort to "fundamentally transform America."
Virginia: Boucher Has Nearly $2 Million - The Eye (CQ Politics)
Republicans are targeting Boucher in part because his southwestern Virginia district has a strong conservative lean on cultural issues and also because of his vote last year for a climate change bill that included a "cap and trade" system to limit greenhouse gas emissions.
Sarah Palin Fires Back at Obama, Mocks His "Experience" on Nuclear Issues - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
The former Alaska governor, reading from prepared remarks, deemed the Environmental Protection Agency the "economic punishment agency" for claiming a role to regulate carbon emissions. She said the Obama administration's nuclear policy was " a lot of smoke and mirrors" because it was difficult to actually build a nuclear facility.

Palin also said global warming skeptics were "a little bit vindicated" by revelations that "there was some snake oil science" going on in climate change research, deeming the situation "Goregate."
Joanna Dafoe | Let's Get to Work, Canada
The atmosphere here in Bonn could not be more different from Copenhagen. There is a small NGO presence, and only three (3) Canadians.

I do not think that our smaller numbers indicate a loss of interest.

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