Thursday, April 08, 2010

Political prejudices dressed up as science | spiked
It is their doom-laden political outlook that really convinces greens the world is ending, not scientific evidence.
New Carbon Rules Raise Home Costs
Home buyers face having to pay up to £8,000 more per new property under green targets imposed by the Scottish Government, the construction industry has warned.
Flowrate of World’s 4th Largest River Linked to Solar Cycle
A new study has postulated a link between solar activity and the flowrate of one of the largest rivers in the world, and suggests that it will lose water as the current low solar activity continues.
Ocean Conveyor Belt Confounds Climate Science | The Resilient Earth
...This shows the weakness of the science behind climate change. The predictions of future climate change are based on current understanding of how climate works—the theory. And the theory is based on observations of climate behavior in the past—the data. Except that the data regarding fluctuations in the MOC were spotty and incomplete. Now, with better data it looks like the theory is wrong. This in turn, means that all existing models are based on incorrect assumptions and may also have been calibrated using erroneous historical data. Yet predictions of future disaster generated by these models form the heart of the climate change alarmists' case for radical socioeconomic change. And those of us skeptical of climate science's prognostications are considered the foolish ones.

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