Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rudd on Rudd: I’m a coward on climate change – Rooted
Just to be clear, less than six months ago Rudd believed Australia’s “fundamental economic and environmental interests” were at stake; no responsible government in the world could “in conscience choose not to act”; bailing on an ETS would ”destroy our children’s future”.

Today he folded ‘em, our children and children’s children be damned, leaving a supposedly responsible government bereft of a policy to address the “greatest moral, economic and social challenge of our time”.

Rudd’s words ring true. He is a coward; a failed leader. He said it himself.
Physics professor tells U.S. government PUT UP OR SHUT UP on Global Warming Claims
[Howard Hayden] All in all, there is a best policy to direct toward climate change, and that is to have the courage to do nothing. We humans have precious little to do with climate. When and where did you read anything from climate alarmists that said that humans are responsible for about 3% of all CO2 emissions? When and where did you read anything from climate alarmists that said that warming oceans emit CO2? When and where did the climate alarmists tell you about CO2 levels that were up to 20 times current levels when dinosaurs roamed the earth? When and where did alarmists tell you that the conditions they openly worry about have repeatedly happened without turning the earth into an oven?

Nowhere and never, did you say? Perhaps you should consider that you have been deliberately misled.
[Gore surfaces in Italy] - U.S. climate bill has 50 pct chance
"If the United States does take action, it will change the prospects for a global treaty dramatically," said Gore, speaking on the sidelines of a conference on journalism in Italy.
The Migrant Mind: What a heat source can do to temperature--Geneva and Fairmont Nebraska [15 miles apart]
Every winter, Geneva, Nebraska is warmer than Fairmont by about a degree. This can't be due to CO2 because CO2 doesn't go up in the winter at Geneva and down at Fairmont. This can only be due to heat affecting the validity of the Geneva measurements.

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