Saturday, April 03, 2010

Sack the voters | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Actually, Paddy, what you are railing against is the realisation by politicians that the voters will punish them for climate alarmism that comes with a big bill. It’s not capitalism that’s “failed” you, but democracy, with voters refusing to endorse the policies you prefer. Those who see in this an argument against capitalism simply confirm that, as ever, the anti-capitalist movement is at heart anti-democratic. Climate alarmism is just the latest refugee of the Western totalitarian.
Singer on Climategate Parliamentary Inquiry « Watts Up With That?
The latest report is by the British House of Commons’ Science and Technology Committee, which largely absolved Philip Jones, head of UEA’s Climate Research Unit and author of most of the e-mails. How can we tell that it’s a whitewash? Here are some telltale signs:

* It refers to the e-mails as “stolen”
* It did not take direct testimony from scientifically competent skeptics
* Yet it derives the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with the basic science and that warming is human caused – essentially endorsing the IPCC
Greg Barker gets a tickle from eco-caviar - Times Online
CALL him the sturgeon general. The shadow climate change minister has developed a sideline that will make some of his fellow Tories choke: “ethical” caviar.

Greg Barker, a millionaire Conservative MP and the party’s green spokesman, is set to cash in on the latest fashion for fish-friendly sturgeon eggs.
[Will your car really get 35 mpg in 2016, and if it does, how much bad weather will be prevented?]
"This is a victory for drivers who, by 2016, will get 35 miles per gallon, spend less on fuel and send less of their dollars overseas," Jackson said

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