Monday, April 05, 2010

TV weathermen should re-think climate coverage - Capital Weather Gang
In my view, the perception that there is significant scientific disagreement about the causes of climate change can be traced in part to the rise of the blogosphere as a medium of scientific communication (and misinformation). Climate skeptics dominate this medium, and many are current or former weather forecasters, such as former TV met Anthony Watts of the popular "Watts Up With That" blog, and Joe D'Aleo, who runs
Is “global warming” in need of a rebranding? - RT
Climatologists are unanimous in the belief that human activity is causing global warming, but their warnings are going unheeded as sea levels continue to rise. Does their public-relation strategy need a makeover?
Kokorin, who has spent his entire career working on the problem of global warming, says it may help if scientists stop using “temperature” and “warming” as key words.
The New Security Beat: Climate Change and Energy in Defense Doctrine: The QDR and UK Defence Green Paper
“We see climate change as a condition that has second-order effects that can contribute to conflict and instability,” [Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Amanda Dory] said. Quoting the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), she called climate change an “instability accelerant”—it does not spark conflict itself, but climate-related resource scarcity, shifts in agricultural productivity, and migration pressures can.   [Why would we assume that resources are more scarce when temperatures are slightly warmer?]

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