Saturday, April 10, 2010

Video/Photo of Randy’s Right @ Al Gore Protest at Duke University « Randy’s Right
For the student who said I had no honor because I was leaving after 3 hours and did not stay to answer more of his questions: Remember my words: Al Gore did not answer any questions and I answered your questions for over ten minutes. Under your own definition, he has less honor than I have but you would defend him and his documented lies. Also, thank you for pointing out that my opinion does not matter and your opinion does because you are a student of Duke University. Really?
The Illusion of a Sensitive Climate System: A Stovetop Demonstration « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
Researchers up to this point have been trying to diagnose climate sensitivity from observations of natural climate variations based upon a false assumption.
Seraphic wingnuts brighten Bonn | The SPPI Blog
Here in Bonn, where the architecture and the ambience are famously boring, we had rather hoped that the proceedings of the UN’s Climate and World Government Conference would be livened by the antics of the Traffic-Light Tendency – the Greens too yellow to admit they’re really Reds.

But where are all the protesters? Where are the screeching crowds of badly-dressed enviro-zombies? The row of just a dozen tables for “Non-Governmental Organizations” – UN-speak for pressure-groups – was largely empty.

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