Sunday, June 20, 2010

CO2 Negated As Cause of Global Warming
The theory of global warming peaked in 2007 after Katrina and the big Arctic melt. Since then folk began noticing that we had been cooling off, not warming up, and the big events predicted by the alarmists were not happening (big hurricanes, killer tornadoes, rising sea levels, dead polar bears, etc.). Their extreme fear-mongering began to undermine their credibility. ClimateGate delivered a body blow to their diminished credibility when it came out that a small cabal had been tampering with the temperature record and subverting the peer review process. The death blow to the theory is about to be released in a peer-reviewed paper by a former NASA scientist.
In the new study, the hot spot could not be found.
Dr. Martin Hertzberg: Electric power system ‘ain't broke' |
The Obama Administration and Colorado's Democratic politicians are not thinking clearly: their “green energy” program will require enormous subsidies, will be unreliable in their supply of electricity, will create fewer jobs than our current coal and gas industries, and will have no effect on our imported petroleum dependency. It is being advocated to satisfy the egos and lust for power of environmental propagandists and lobbyists whose incessant fear-mongering about human-caused “climate change/global warming” is a proven fraud.

It never ceases to amaze me at how many otherwise intelligent people have been taken in by that hoax. It is resulting in extreme policies that will seriously damage our economy and will sabotage the one thing we have going for us: the effectiveness and reliability of our electric power generating system.
[An alarmist weighs in]: YouTube - Carbon Trading is probably bullsh*t
[This guy actually claims that *all* peer-reviewed papers support the global warming hoax] June 20, 2010 — Here's a topic I've been meaning to address for a while as I've been asked quite a few times what my opinion is on carbon trading. Short version: probably bullsh*t - won't fix the problem and will be exploited by scammers.

Just for fun, count the number of moronic global warming deniers who ignore everything I've said in this video and spout their same old pathetic totally discredited lies. 

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