Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ezra Klein - Reid: Climate bill must have 'broad bipartisan support' or he won't bring it to the floor
I don't want to say that a serious climate change bill is dead, exactly, but this statement from Jim Manley, Harry Reid's spokesman, doesn't inspire confidence. “Sen. Reid has made it clear to proponents on and off the Hill and at the White House that anything he brings to the floor will need broad bipartisan support,” Manley told Politico. Does anyone think that a genuine climate bill has any chance of "broad bipartisan support" in an election year?
C3: What's The Matter With Australia? Temperature Data Adjustments Out-The-Wazoo
Temperature data sets have been so heavily manipulated across the globe that it's difficult to make sense of what is the truth regarding temperatures. Another example of this incredible data buffoonery (fraud?) was found in a metro area of Australia.
[And all pigs may be able to fly as early as 2019]: Solar PV ''could generate 40% of EU power by 2020''
Around two fifths of Europe''s electricity could be generated by photovoltaic (PV) solar panels within the next ten years, an industry organisation has said.

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