Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The next Al Gore? Brainwashed 12-year-old travels by airplane to spread the word that we shouldn't travel by airplane

A million trees and counting - German boy activist fights climate change | Environment & Development | Deutsche Welle | 21.06.2010
"We children want the same chances for our future as today's adults have. But I'm convinced that we can't continue the same way as we have so far. We will never achieve our goals if we continue to drive cars and fly in airplanes as we do today. Our grandparents, my grandparents, didn't do air travel either and they were happy."

Travelling the world for a cause

Felix [Finkbeiner] said that he actually liked giving presentations and travelling - two things that he's been doing a lot of in recent years, even in an airplane if necessary.

He's been invited to conferences in New York, South Korea, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and Italy to introduce his organization and talk about his plans to protect the climate.

Earlier this year, he was invited to Beijing by the Chinese government.

All that globe-trotting means that the young climate campaigner has to miss school quite often - sometimes for entire weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The green movement wants to stop all travel. It means using videoconferencing instead of meetings, working from home, online shopping, video games instead of tourism etc.

But those that have actually tried this kind of lifestyle - unlike Pachauri, Gore and other hypocrites - will agree that it's not very pleasant. Driving an hour to work every day and back has many important psychological benefits, it motivates, it's entertaining. Taking it away will do more than just help the environment, it will destroy productivity and quality of life.