Tuesday, June 08, 2010

There's nothing greens love more than a nice, juicy oil-spill disaster – Telegraph Blogs
[AN Ditchfield] The Obama administration qualifies the Gulf of Mexico oil spill as the worst environmental disaster in history. In this they show a short memory and a dim grasp of arithmetic. In World II five million tons of petroleum were cast into the Atlantic (about 32 million barrels of oil) from tanker ships sunk by Nazi submarines, in a period from 1942 to 1945, and with heavy concentration in the fateful year of 1942. Averaged over 1000 days the loss is equivalent to two to five times the oil now spilled into the Gulf of Mexico – every day – for the duration of the war.
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd facing his Waterloo | Herald Sun
Rudd's complete lack of authority now is astonishing.

NEWSPOLL says it's never seen a prime minister lose so much credibility so fast, and merely mentioning his name on the last two episodes of the ABC's Q&A panel show had been enough to prompt howls of mocking laughter from an audience normally far to the Left.

Naturally, much of this is blamed on Rudd's Waterloo - his ditching of the emissions trading scheme he'd rashly sold as the urgent answer to global warming, "the great moral and economic issue of our times".

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