Sunday, July 11, 2010

Article: Tell World Leaders to Go Solar!
[Bill McKibben] But the symbolism is important too. Just imagine: 30 years ago the American White House actually did have solar panels on the roof, installed by president Jimmy Carter. But they were taken down by the next administration, and they've never reappeared [Why didn't the Clinton/Gore administration put them up?]. That represents three wasted decades when we could have been doing something about the climate crisis--we'll never get those decades back, but we can start to catch up now.
[This alarmist still has big, big plans for the climate hoax] « Watching the Deniers
Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of the last twenty years of climate change “activism” is the belief that simply stating the scientific evidence would convince six billion (plus) people of the need to put aside the habits, comforts and luxuries of the past would be a relatively simple ask.
Countries such as the United States, Japan, China, India would need to sacrifice the concept of unlimited growth. They would have to surrender some of their power. The governance structures that need to be erected in order manage the transition of our civilisation to a “no carbon” future will see countries sacrifice some of their self-interest for not only their own good, but for that of their neighbours and rivals.
[Still more alarmist crazy talk: We allegedly need to cut 100% of our CO2 emissions by 2020] By Bill Henderson
Climate change is an emergency requiring urgent action.

So at least 100% by 2020. Impossible or not, that's the bottom line.
Sea Ice News #13 | Watts Up With That?
Ice has flatlined in the North, while it goes through the roof in the south.
In other words, the widely claimed polar meltdown continues to be nothing more than bad fiction.

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