Friday, July 30, 2010

The Burning Woman Festival of Global Warming: Step up to the stake, Ms. Curry
Judith Curry actually had to say that people should read a book. That's because some of the hysterics published phony studies saying it was not necessary to read a book to understand why they were right and their opponents were wrong. I am not making that up. Everybody from Brian Angliss to Michael Tobis is inventing reasons why they don't need to read criticism of the position they support--that Michael Mann is a saint and the Hockey Stick chart is a holy relic.

There is no better vignette explaining the intellectual dishonesty of the hysterical position, championed by Joe Romm and Tim Lambert, supported by Real Climate, Tamino and Michael Tobis, and egged on from the sidelines by Eli Rabett and countless commenters.
David Cameron runs the greenest government ever? Tell it to the birds - Telegraph
Although the Coalition is likely to come good on its commitment to combat climate change, it is less clear that it cares about the rest of the environment, writes Geoffrey Lean.
A Massive Winter Heading for the Northern Hemisphere? | Planetary Theory Moves to the Next Level
The winters of the past two years have been noticeably colder. The northern hemisphere in particular has experienced record cold, record snow and a rebuilding of the Arctic sea ice extent. The southern hemisphere this winter has also seen record low temperatures in South America which is resulting in many hundreds of deaths (human and livestock).

There are a number of players involved which can be attributed to this cooling trend and when they come together they are capable of dropping the world's temperatures by a significant amount.
Exxon – $21 Billion… Of Taxes « Musings from the Chiefio
...while folks on the left like to rail about Exxon as a profit generating entity, it is far more a tax revenue generating entity.

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