Friday, July 02, 2010

Does even alarmist Bryan Walsh actually believe that CO2 may kill our grandchildren?

When Does a Flight Become "Binge Flying"? - Ecocentric -
Underneath all this, however, there's a suspicious undercurrent of class issues. Environmentalists have coined the term "binge-flying" to describe the rapid increase in air travel that is being driven in part by the growth of budget flights...The skies have become democratized and globalized—and that's bad news for carbon emissions.

But there's something hypocritical about environmentalists criticizing binge-flying because the truth is nearly all of them fly as well. Take me for example—in 2009, I probably flew around 50,000 miles, going to climate change conferences in Copenhagen and Abu Dhabi, vacations in Vancouver and San Francisco, reporting trips to New Delhi and London...Does that make me a binge flyer? Or would I get a pass because I was often using those flights to report on environmental issues? (Not that the climate system cares one bit why I was burning all that carbon.) It seems classist, to say the least, to look at tourists on a Ryanair flight and call them binge flyers, and give a pass to someone like Al Gore, who clocks tens of thousands of miles in the air each year.

1 comment:

gofer said...

"...Does that make me a binge flyer? Or would I get a pass because I was often using those flights to report on environmental issues? (Not that the climate system cares one bit why I was burning all that carbon..."

Why do these people think their flying burns carbon? It's absurd! They don't cancel the flight because Byran Walsh isn't on the plane. Do they really think that their being on the plane creates more CO2? Do they have a logical brain or one at all?