Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Flannery forgets to add he’d gain from what he’s selling | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
The Age chooses warming alarmist Tim Flannery as one of 10 “leading Australians” to lead “an informed debate about our future”...There are two things that, yet again, are missing from Flannery’s spruiking of geothermal power and this particular site. First, he is an investor in the geothermal test plant in the Cooper Basin, and, second, his plant has been crippled by technological difficulties.
Chris Huhne: Has any minister in history seemed more unfit to do his job? | Mail Online
What is truly terrifying about Mr Huhne as our energy minister is that he seems so astonishingly ignorant about even the most basic principles of how electricity is produced.

He boasts about how the 3,000 wind turbines we have already built have the 'capacity' to generate 4.5 gigawatts of electricity.

Capacity is the crucial word here. As he could see from figures on his own department's website, thanks to the fact that the wind blows only intermittently, the amount of power these windmills actually produce is barely a quarter of that.

In other words, the amount of electricity generated by all those turbines put together, at a cost of billions of pounds, is no more than that provided by a single medium-size conventional power station - equivalent to a mere two per cent of the electricity we need.
Then our energy minister talks about those wonderful electric cars he wants us all to drive - without apparently being aware that these travel only about 100 miles before they need re-charging with electricity, almost all of which has to be generated by CO2-emitting fossil fuels, thus wiping out any supposed 'planet-saving' advantage anyway.
BP Day 98: Where Did All the Oil Go?
The numbers don't lie: two weeks ago, skimmers picked up about 25,000 barrels of oily water. Last Thursday, they gathered just 200 barrels.

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