Thursday, July 01, 2010

Six Quiet Climate Villains | Popular Science
A problem as immense as climate change stretches beyond the obvious. Did you know, for instance, that your TV weather man (or woman) likely doesn’t believe in climate change? Were you aware that the sirloin steak at your favorite chop house is a bigger contributor to global warming than your car?

Sure, we’ve made great strides in environmental protection since the days of burning rivers and the Crying Indian commercial. But it’s a heck of a lot warmer now. Most Americans still believe humans are to blame for this, but there are plenty of climate villains who are working to shift public opinion the other way.
In today’s weather forecast, we’ll be seeing high-pressure areas of climate skepticism | Grist
It's too bad, then, that three-quarters of all weatherfolk don't buy human-caused climate change, because they are the most visible, perceived "experts" on the issue.
Democrats may waste last chance for clean energy win | Grist
Obama and Senate Democrats now face a clear choice between two options...

They can waste precious time assuring green supporters they haven't abandoned cap-and-trade, and meanwhile come up empty-handed by squandering the political opportunity presented by the oil catastrophe in the Gulf, appearing weak and inept before a public demanding energy reform, and handing another political victory to a GOP all too eager to enter the midterms having denied Obama and the Democrats one of their key policy priorities.
If instead, Democrats insist on wasting these last few seconds on the obviously failing and increasingly desperate cap-and-trade agenda, Americans are likely to wind up without any substantive energy progress this year, and Democrats are likely to fare even worse at the polls. The ball is in their court.

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