Monday, July 26, 2010

Weather Talk: F-M’s greatest temperature range occurred in 1936 | Fargo, ND far the hottest day was 95 degrees back on May 29.
The greatest temperature range on record within in a single year in Fargo-Moorhead was from minus 37 to 114 in 1936. That 114-degree temperature was on July 6, 1936, and is the all-time record high for Fargo-Moorhead.
The blame Obama game | Grist
Okay, we've had a few days to try to make sense of how a hulking climate bill can shrink to a lame-o energy bill, then shrivel to spill bill ultra-lite...
Twitter / David Roberts
At what point does Kerry cross over from optimistic to delusional?
Water Vapour And Climate Change « P Gosselin – NoTricksZone
...What does that mean? It means the climate models used so far were nothing more than junk, thus the same applies for their predictions. They completely neglected the water vapour factor (and who knows what other factors).

Climate forecasting is best left to real forecasters, and not tainted modelers.
EU Referendum: The march of progress
This time, it is that slime Huhne, a detestable example of a human being if ever there was one, a man who can actually state that offshore wind turbines are "incredibly competitive" in producing electricity, and have a newspaper print it, without the equivalent of a snort of derision.
Al Fin: Heretics and Sceptics: The Only Ones Who are Thinking
True believers in orthodox beliefs such as catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, have surrendered their critical thought processes to the orthodoxy. It is only the heretics who continue to evaluate the changing dynamics of what is happening in the real world. True believers have willingly blinded themselves to reality, in trust that the leaders of the orthodoxy would surely notify them of any weakening within the pillars of the dogma.

Be grateful for the heretics.

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