Wednesday, July 28, 2010

White House Ends Climate Change Gag Order
Washington, D.C. July 28, 2010 – The Government Accountability Project (GAP), counsel for EPA and climate change whistleblowers Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel, sent a letter to President Obama yesterday thanking the White House for causing the EPA to withdraw its censorship orders that effectively gagged the two enforcement attorneys.

Williams and Zabel had challenged "cap-and-trade" as a climate change solution in their personal capacities by, among other actions, posting a video on YouTube late last year. The EPA accused them of violating ethics rules simply by listing and referencing their government positions and experience to strengthen their credibility.
Twitter / Ted Fickes [Because climate realists couldn't be unpaid individuals who've independently realized that trace amounts of CO2 aren't dangerous?]
Would love to know more about the organizing/funding dynamics behind the anti climate change blog commenting trolls.

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