Sunday, August 01, 2010

AG(data)W Begins In 1990 « Musings from the Chiefio
As the thermometer count drops, we have a sudden rise in the trend to a spectacular warming. One Small Problem. The Industrial Revolution had been under way since “The Late 18th Century” (or sometime in the late 1700s). So we’ve had burgeoning CO2 production for over 200 years by then. And a Big Fat Nothing. Then suddenly, right when “Global Warming” becomes a popular point (and when NOAA / NCDC, Hadley CRU, and NASA / GISS get buckets of money and True Believers at the helm) we suddenly have a ‘hockey blade” form in the data. As someone recently said in another posting: “Hmmmm”…

Either CO2 has a 200 year lag in effect, or it’s not CO2 causing the data to change.
That the post 1990 range is so non-physical is, in my professional opinion, evidence of data tampering. Perhaps deliberate, perhaps out of error. But the data are now very non-physical. It has clear onset in time. That time matches a recognized change in the processing at NOAA / NCDC (when many / most stations increment the “Duplicate Number”) and match a date when new “Quality Control” procedures were introduced for the USHCN data set that will preferentially suppress cold going anomalies in that data set. Could something similar have happened to GHCN?
New German/Russian Temperature Reconstruction Shows No Correlation With CO2 « P Gosselin – NoTricksZone
A new temperature reconstruction carried out by a team of German/Russian scientists has yielded interesting results. It finds no correlation over the last 400 years between atmospheric CO2 and the temperature in the Arctic regions studied.
UPDATE! The German press release now has the following graphic. The dataset ended 2001! The press spokesman just told me on the phone. So there was warming from 1990 until 2001! As you see, the graphic iteself is misleading. It almost looks as if the curve goes until 2010.
Quadrant Online - Closing out dissent
To my certain knowledge, the brotherhood of silence tactic has been applied routinely for many years against all well known, qualified sceptical scientists, both in Australia and overseas. It is a code that IPCC-related scientists dare not break, for they understand better than most that they will lose any science debate that is allowed to take place on equal terms under a neutral chairperson.

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