Friday, August 20, 2010

(Book Review) James Hansen’s “Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity” (alarmism on steroids) — MasterResource
Now Dr. Hansen is no longer a scientist, but a politician. His goal is to build so much fear into the average American that he will choose this poorly thought out program. We would not even give his treatise second thought except for the obvious fact that many government officials will take what he says very seriously.
Climate Common Sense: Catastrophists say World Vegetation Declining.
Of course I am happy to see that the results they have obtained correspond exactly with a slight cooling trend worldwide over the last decade which has been documented by skeptics time and again. This analysis suffers from the garbage-in garbage-out problem in attempting to correlate plant growth with a faulty temperature record. As a former nurseryman I know how sensitive plant growth is to temperature and the satellite results are no surprise and seem to be tracking the real temperature record .
NC Media Watch: Prop 23 Update: Green Jobs Clocks for $250,000
We now know that the global warming data was a farce, with bad satellite information, hidden files of temperature declines, and computer code rampant with fudge factors. How can we believe a green jobs clock controlled by government con men (women)? So, what are we counting? We are going to be counting the heart beats of an environmental whacko, as he engages in green job wishful thinking.
C3: It's Official: NOAA Finds That Russian Heat Wave Was 100% Natural - CO2 Warming Not Even A Factor
Of course, an actual scientific finding like this crushes the hopes of liberal-left politicians, celebrities and the MSM reporters/pundits everywhere. They are so enamored with the global-warming meme, they literally blame any (every?) earthly condition on it. (Honestly, are leftists/liberals just more susceptible to mass group stupidity?)

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