Monday, August 02, 2010

Climate Alarmism vs. the IPCC (did Manzi get what Romm missed?) — MasterResource
Perhaps without realizing it, Romm implicitly admits that the IPCC AR4 report never supported the alarmist view.
The Week That Was (to July 31, 2010)
Excerpts from Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) ...
It appears that US tax-and-cap is dead, at least for now. A clear indication is the speed in which many of the proponents are disavowing any association with Kerry-Lieberman. Of course the “greedy corporations” that participated in drafting the bill are receiving much of the blame. Little is said about the big corporations in the Green Industry that spent millions of dollars in promoting Kerry-Lieberman. These include National Resources Defense Council, Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Environmental Defense Fund and The Nature Conservancy. Future letters from these corporations soliciting donations will be an interesting read.
C3: CO2-AGW Alarmist Science Hits Iceberg: Study Reveals Human CO2 Has Zero Impact On Antarctica Melting/Warming
Researchers from Cryospheric Processes Laboratory and the U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) monitor monitor various attributes of the S. Hemisphere and Antarctica and have documented that recently the snow melt index for the southern continent has reached its lowest point ever. Their research indicates the snow melt index is likely driven by the major ocean and atmosphere oscillations for that area of the world - in other words, Antarctica melting/warming has nothing to do with human CO2 emissions over the last 30 years.

We've superimposed the linear growth of CO2 levels for the past 30 years on the chart below. Clearly, Antarctica climate is not warming (influenced) by the rapid growth of human CO2 emissions. The alarmist AGW prediction that Antarctica was going to melt due to CO2 was absolute rubbish.
AGW Jumping Sharks Since 1986 « Musings from the Chiefio
I can’t help but think that this is something of a “Jumping The Shark” graph. The drastic and extreme change of trends, especially in some months, along with the divergence between months, just looks crazy. Yet that’s what is in the data.
Teachable Moments And Laid Off Envrionmental Reporters « P Gosselin – NoTricksZone
It has finally dawned on the warmists that they’ve seriously underestimated the public’s ability to understand the issue. They’re dismayed that the public was smart enough as a whole not to fall for the hoax.

But they still think they can maybe turn things around by “communicating” better”. which only means packaging and delivering the hoax in a diferent way. Now warm and extreme events are going to be called “teachable moments”. Cold and non-warming events will remain natural variability, I suppose.

Well, it’s not going to work.
Once a person sees through a hoax, there’s no way to make them go back and believe it.

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