Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nichols: No Solo Cap-and-Trade | KQED's Climate Watch
When asked about the cap-and-trade provisions of AB 32, Nichols said: "We won’t launch this program without partners to trade with. It doesn’t make sense for an economy even as big as California, to try to do this all by ourselves." The comment came days after congressional leaders threw in the towel for the summer, on a federal bill to address climate change and energy security. "To get the kind of leverage that you really need to make this program succeed, the US has got to step in," said Nichols.
"I don't expect to be faced with this dilemma," Nichols told me after today's event, "but if the worst were to happen and none of these states were able to move forward with their own programs, I think we would think long and hard about whether we would actually start enforcing the program, unless and until we were really confident that our state had the ability to do it in a way that would not put us at a competitive disadvantage."
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Imagine If
imagine if a journalist wrote the following, reporting on Ryan's data:
Leading scientists have said that warming could, on the whole, in fact reduce tropical cyclone frequency, leading to less tropical cyclones, exactly like what we are currently observing worldwide. Such observations are consistent with scientific predictions of the effects of greenhouse gases on tropical cyclone behavior.
Cold Dry Sahara, Hot Wet Savanna « Musings from the Chiefio
There is a peculiar thing that happens to the Sahara. Periodically, it turns into a green Savanna. This happens when it gets more heat input. Yes, more.

With a little more heat (not necessarily just as temperature) there is an influx of rain. More rain falls, and plants start to grow. This growth puts even more water into the air via transpiration. This causes more rain, leading to more growth. This continues until the whole area becomes a lush place to live, complete with elephants, hippos, and crocodiles.
Wahl-Briffa Attachments Were Deleted « Climate Audit
From time to time, we’ve heard reassurances that nothing was really deleted.

However, in their response to my FOI request, the university said that they were unable to comply with my request for the attachments to the Wahl-Briffa correspondence because the documents had been destroyed. They refused to provide me with the Wahl and Ammann version that was used in the IPCC AR4 First Draft.

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