Friday, August 20, 2010

TV weathercaster Paul Douglas continues to promote the greatest scientific fraud in history

Soggy Friday - Summer Rerun This Weekend |
A Sea of Change: Ocean Acidification Threatening Coastal Waters. Every year 30% of all the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is absorbed by the world's oceans. The end result: the oceans are now more acidic than ever before - changing the chemistry of seawater has implications for marine organisms, large and small. More from NOAA here.

* Thank God Global Warming Is A Hoax. Not sure, but I think this is tongue-in-cheek. After a summer like this the deniers are having a tougher time making their case. And it's not sunspots either. The amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth has diminished in the last 20-30 years, at the same time global temperatures have trended upward.

* The Truth: Still There, Still Inconvenient. The latest on "Climate-Gate" and the scientists whose e-mails were hacked late last year, all exonerated by the facts...
Flashback: AMS/NWA sponsored survey of TV weathercasters: 63% Believe Global Warming is Mostly Natural | Watts Up With That?
Just over one quarter (27%) agreed with the statement by a prominent TV weathercaster: “global warming is a scam.”
Only one third of TV weathercasters believe that there is a scientific consensus on climate change.

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