Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coffee Rises to One-Month High on Crop Concern; Sugar Advances
Coffee crops in Brazil, the world's largest producer, may be hurt by hailstorms next week as a cold weather front approaches major producing regions, Expedito Rebello, head of research at the government's Meteorology Institute, said yesterday.

"The combination of high temperature and a cold front may cause a thermal shock and raise chances of hailstorms," Rebello said.
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch: 'Warmist' attack smacks of 'sceptical' intolerance
...this is, at least in my experience, the first time that "warmers" - those who, like Dr Romm, believe climate change is taking us to hell in a handcart and who lobby for more urgent action on the issue - have resorted to the internet equivalent of taking banners onto the street in an attempt to influence reporting of the issue.
'Climate Change': even Porritt knows the game's up – Telegraph Blogs
Obviously this is all most excellent news. But what I don’t want any of you doing is going round cracking open the bubbly, crowding outside Buckingham Palace and enjoying frenzied knee tremblers in side alleys, like it was VE Day or something. As I said the other day when reporting on Oberstgruppenfuhrer Monbiot’s surrender on Luneberg Heath, we have an awful lot of blood, sweat, toil and tears ahead of us before this one is over.
The 'Hockey Stick' Lives -
Yet while the attacks continue, the “hockey stick” graph’s basic premise — that the planet’s recent warming is unprecedented over at least the last millennium — continues to draw support from a growing number of independent studies.

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