Saturday, September 04, 2010

How Can Los Angeles Adapt to Coming Climate Change?: "Scientific" American
Climate change can't alter the blue skies or access to the beach and mountains, but it will pose four tangible threats: The summers will grow hotter, the air will be smoggier, there will be more fires, and there will be much less water
You can walk around in shorts in February, and in the summer there is rarely humidity or a heat wave.
Almost everyone in Los Angeles was not born here. Many of us are transplants from cold Northeastern cities.
August 19, 2010: Coldest July For Los Angeles According to NASA GISS……Station Records « Things I Find Interesting
As you can see Los Angeles is about 2.75° C below the average for July of 22.95° C. Matter of fact the graph shows this is the coldest July in the entire instrumental record, just slightly cooler then July 1944. Also notice that there is a basically flat temperature trend for July in Los Angeles. Again you see that big spike in 1959 but you also see another at 1931.

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