Saturday, September 11, 2010

Reid to House on the climate hoax bill: "Get real"

Reid: Next climate bill should be ‘piecemeal’ - The Hill's E2-Wire
Reid acknowledged that would be far less than the broader energy measures the House has approved, but noted it is easier to advance bills in the House, where only a simple majority is needed. “The House is also going to have to get real,” Reid said of the need to accept narrower plans.
Daily Kos: Reid on the "next" climate bill, what could be salvaged this year
I'm sure members like Tom Perriello, who stuck his neck out as a freshman to vote for the House bill and is regularly being bashed for it now will love the advice from Reid to "get real." Pelosi must also be quite relieved to learn just how easy it is to get something passed in the House.

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