Thursday, October 07, 2010

Another IPCC Train Wreck: Species Extinction (Part 2) « NoFrakkingConsensus
5 of 10 lead authors have links to the World Wildlife Fund (WG2-Chapter4)
Is The Ocean Getting More Acidic? | Real Science
Monterey Bay Aquarium has been sampling ocean pH for almost 15 years. They show no trend during the period.
Romm Labels The Chamber Of Commerce As A “Criminal Foreign Funded Extremist” Group | Real Science
Joe wants a lot of people to push the red button.
NHC Defines A New Type Of Hurricane | Real Science
After more than 750 days of no hurricanes making landfall in the US, the National Hurricane Center has defined a new type of storm, known as the “narrow escape.”
Break Out The Prozac | Real Science
Normally they get hysterical about running out of fresh water, but today the hysteria du jour is that freshwater availability is increasing.
Arctic Amplification In Autumn | Real Science
2010 seems to have broken the pattern, with much less warming this autumn – despite the rapid freeze. October temperatures (so far) have been the lowest since 2004.
Whatever caused the rapid decline in ice from 2005-2007 may have reversed.

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