Thursday, October 28, 2010

Asbestos and electrocution and long-distance flying, oh my: Unintended consequences of insane, expensive government policy to save us from harmless CO2

Pink batts installers exposed to asbestos | The Australian
INSPECTORS have discovered asbestos in homes fitted with insulation under the government's pink batts scheme.

The find has raised concerns that young installers might have been exposed to deadly fibres.

The discovery has left some home owners waiting months for potential safety risks caused by the insulation to be fixed.

Queenslander Gary Fortington decided in April to get his foil insulation removed after a taxpayer-funded inspector warned him it could become electrified in the future.

It took until July before two electricians were flown, at taxpayers' expense, from Brisbane to his home outside Cairns to remove the foil. However, the electricians found asbestos in his roof and left. "They said, 'We can't take the insulation out, but someone will ring you'. Well nobody did and here it is October so I rang them," Mr Fortington said. "I got a lady who read a pre-prepared statement that said the government was working on how to treat roofs with asbestos."

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