Thursday, October 07, 2010

James Cameron [on the oilsands] | Mother Jones
JC: I don't think banning it outright is practical. I don't think anybody's going to go for that. But I'm not even sure that that's the right answer, because energy security is an issue for North America, and right now any war that we're in in the Middle East, we're funding both sides of it by buying our oil there. So the geopolitics of it suggest that having an onshore North American secure supply that is bigger or as big as Saudi Arabia is an important driver. Set aside the greed aspect of it, and there are political aspects of this that are huge.
Global warming’s latest offense « Don Surber
So far they are not acting upon these fantasies. I mean who would send homemade bombs to universities and airlines protesting what he saw as destruction of the environment.

I mean besides Ted Kaczynski. Wasn’t he brilliant, Harvard trained, and teaching at the University of California at Berkeley by age 25?

Of course, one terrorist cannot tar an entire movement.

For that, you need idiots making films of blowing up non-believers (or as Taranto pointed out in the case of the blow-them-up video, people simply are not all that enthusiastic) or the hanging of children.
New record low temperature set in Orlando breaks 31-year mark
Temperatures Thursday morning bottomed out at a “chilly” 57 degrees, breaking a 31-year-old record of 58, set in 1979. » Blog Archive » Hate, Actually: Richard Curtis vs. Climate Change
Moreover, the sort of ingratiating, I’m-just-getting-a-show-of-hands-here do-gooder niceness that blends smugly into savage violence strikes a very creepy note. How many of us have dealt with smiling clean-cut activists and sensed a streak of contempt or even cold hatred underneath?

Curtis is a funny guy and it would be easy to forgive him if this film were funny. Is it? It’s the same joke repeated about four times. Its message is coarse and obvious, not wickedly satirical. The movie is really beneath him. And it does set back Curtis’s cause substantially. It’s just one more clue that fabulously wealthy Hollywood types are living in a completely different world from the rest of us, for whom the hazy specter of supposedly catastrophic climate change is much less worrisome than immediate economic hardship, either real or potential.

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