Friday, October 29, 2010

Jamming A Square Peg Into A Round Hole | Real Science
This is how the AGW narrative goes. From 1880-1945, the Sun was warming the planet like crazy. Then in 1945, humans suddenly started dumping lots of junk into the atmosphere, causing rapid global cooling. In the 1970s, Congress passed the Clean Air Act and CO2 simultaneously kicked in with a vengeance, causing warming as great as the earlier period. Then around the turn of the millennium, natural variability kicked in and the planet stopped warming. All hell will break lose in a few years and the polar ice caps will melt down and flood the planet.
Trenberth on “fixing the IPCC” and “missing heat” | Watts Up With That?
IEEE Spectrum: You were a lead coauthor with Phil Jones of East Anglia of a key chapter in the latest IPCC assessment, and messages of yours were among the hacked e-mails that aroused such consternation.

Kevin E. Trenberth: One cherry-picked message saying we can’t account for current global warming and that this is a travesty went viral and got more than 100 000 hits online. But it was quite clear from the context that I was not questioning the link between anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions and warming, or even suggesting that recent temperatures are unusual in terms of short-term variability.

Spectrum: It seems to me the most damaging thing about the disclosed e-mails was not the issue of fraud or scientific misconduct but the perception of a bunker mentality among climate scientists. If they really know what they’re doing, why do they seem so defensive?
NYT: Solar Power Projects Face Potential Hurdles
Solar developers depend on two federal programs to make their projects financially viable.

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