Friday, October 29, 2010

Laurie Oakes: Rudd was blind | Herald Sun
Then, in December 2009, the Copenhagen climate change conference collapsed. "Copenhagen hit Kevin personally," according to a source who worked closely with Rudd on climate change. "He was shattered." And Abbott's "great big new tax" assault on the proposed ETS started to gain traction. It was the beginning of the end of the Rudd prime ministership.
Stalling California's anti-global-warming rules: Jobs or wishful thinking? | | Statesman Journal
The real choice here is between jobs and magical thinking. AB32 promises to reduce the state's greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent in 10 years. There's no easy way to reach that goal. State regulators will have to raise energy prices on consumers and businesses, raise fees on industries and slap more regulations on already burdened employers.

And for what? Green jobs represent about 1 percent of California jobs -- as opposed to manufacturing, which accounts for 21 percent of jobs.

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